Wie New York ohne Sinatra
Wie Wien ohne den Prater
Wie ein Herzschlag ohne Blut
Wie Lindenberg ohne Hut
Wie ne Eiszeit ohne Schnee
England ohne Tee
So als ob bei Steve McQueen die ganze Coolheit fehlt

Sonntag, 25. April 2010


This time I'm writing english to thank Suyinsays for giving me an award. I'm very happy that you give it to me even if you can't realy read my posts because they are all in german! It's great :) Big Thanks to you

On friday I had my confirmation(Firmung) I had to read out a text infront of all people in the church and I was soooo nervous, but I did it! Everyone said I did it well and I'm very proud of myself. Finally I'm going to post a picture of me entring the room on my confirmation - day. That's for everyone who couldn't see me especially for Canada ;)

1 Kommentar:

  1. oh you didnt have to write it in english, thats so lovely!
    dont worry, you definitely deserve the award

